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Imagen de dick handscombe

Firstly the english version of the book AUTHENTIC VALENCIAN PAELLAS now has a more attractive and informative cover and a number of useful additions to the text have been made. Secondly a reminder that te essential meats for a truly authentic Valencian Paella as cooked these days by families for Sunday lunch and was previously cooked for wedding and  first christening feasts. Thirdly the substitute of choped up lamb ribs although done in some restaurants, especially it would appear in Alicante and Castellon provinces, ends up with greasy rice and an overpowering lamb taste. Do recognise that a true paella is a balanced meal and tastes of the fresh vegetables, herbs and spices used and chicken and rabbit meats used. From a health point of view the paella will be more wholesome if freshly harvested ecologically grown vegetables are used..
