
How to use the site

Information is generally based around a 'place', which can be a region, province, comarca (county), city, town or village.

  • To see a specific place - type its name into the "Type a placename" box (selecting the name when you see it appear) - the page for that place will be displayed with tabs for information.
  • To browse down through a region - click the "Locations" button and start selecting, or click on the map (hover to see the region's name).

For activities and accomodation - click on the relevant menu button and you will see a list of types of activity/accomodation together with a list places where they occur. Click on the place name for more details.

If you can't find what you are looking for, please let us know (use the menu item Contact Us). We'd also like to hear any comments you'd care to make.



Postal Code: 
Town Hall: 
[+34] 962264571
Local Police: 
[+34] 620801114
Guardia Civil: 
[+34] 962215007
Health Centre: 
[+34] 962249580
Oltra Ferrero
[+34] 962264311

6 - 10 September : Virgen del Rosario, Divina Aurora, Cristo de la Fe

Quatretonda is a municipality in the comarca Valle de Albaida in the province of Valencia, Spain.  

There are houses In the village from the 18th century. Good examples are the Casa de Calatayud, the Casa de Felip Faus and the Casa de Romualdo. It is worth visiting the following streets: Cristo de la Fe, Benigànim, Sant Doménec and Sant Josep.

Places of Interest: 
  • Almazara donde se hace el aceite de olive) todavía mantiene la maquinaria original y el aceite se sigue produciendo de un modo tradicional.
  • Iglesia parroquial de Santos Juanes : pertenece al estilo Gótico y tiene algunos elementos de estilo del Renacimiento con detalles que le aportan una sobresaliente belleza. El campanario fue diseñado según el estilo Barroco y decorado con detalles de estilo del Renacimiento.
  • Casa de la Bástida located in the imense Sierra de Quatretonda