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Costa Blanca has rain at last

dick handscombe's picture
Places in this post: 

After 14 months of drought I  cannot believe that we have now had rain for three days and that more wet days are forecast. However it forecasts that Saturday will be fine for my Paella party on Saturday. But although not very heavy rain, except for an hour, the steady drizzle is refreshing plants, softening the soil for planting vegetables and trees.Not only plants will enjoy the change but also wild birds and animals as all the ponds and springs had dried up in oiur valley and surrounding countryside.

The damper soil will also enable physical changes to the layout of the garden to enable rain water to be better collected and distributed as explained in the book 'HOW TO USE LESS WATER IN YOUR GARDEN' . This is now available from Amazon Books. In the book we do recommend that you buy a box of TerraCottem soil improver from The water soil improver has saved many a plant, shrub and tree during the past year.
