

After some 4+ man-years of effort, Infoloko has finally arrived. There is still a lot of work to do adding some new features (classified adverts and services) but these should be in place shortly.

What we've tried to do is present information in a localised fashion .. I don't know about you but I really hate it when I ask for information for 'X' and I get given information for 80 kilometres away (that's 50 miles for all the heathens out there :) ), so click on a location and you'll get information for THAT location, pure and simple. Going on holiday to Gandia ?, then go to our Gandia page and see what it has to offer.

If you have a question that needs answering then try our Forum (it's a little quiet today but that I'm sure is going to change).

Here in the blog, we'll be adding posts on both the technical aspects of Infoloko (how do you do that?) and just everyday comments and winges (but not too many).

feel free to comment or email us (you can use our contact form) about what you like, dislike, would like to see etc. No doubt the first question is "why do I have to register to make a comment", and the answer is simple .. it's necessary to prevent the morons who plague the internet with offers of get rich schemes, fraud, abuse, pornography etc. from filling our pages with this unwanted rubbish. But don't worry, we will not pass your details on to anyone else.
