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  • To see a specific place - type its name into the "Type a placename" box (selecting the name when you see it appear) - the page for that place will be displayed with tabs for information.
  • To browse down through a region - click the "Locations" button and start selecting, or click on the map (hover to see the region's name).

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Proyecto Básico - the Plans (Part 3)

Apologies, I've been a little lax in adding entries, so what's happened since the last entry - well, quite a lot

Firstly, we took the plans to the Ayuntamiento. Doesn't seem to be a problem but they need a legal document binding the house to the land's Escritura (Deeds). We visit the Notary and get the third degree; she says she cannot produce the document as there is NO house (good point), she speaks with Fernando (my Abogado (Lawyer)) and we agree to meet the following week. Before that meeting Fernando phones to cancel it, talked things through with Jose (architect) and they have a way round the problem. Our next step is to formally present the Project to the Ayuntamiento.

Jose sends me a new drawing detailing the position of the house on the land - doesn't look right to me. The house has been put right in the corener of the land, not what we wanted. So armed with tape measure I visit the land and mark out the position .. we need to move the position another 12 metres East and 12 metres South. That's a biggish move buit we want to get oit right. The problem here is that any deviation from the approved plan will be met with fines that can total thousands of Euros, that we must avoid at all costs (another dodgy pun). Emails fly back-and-forth and the changes are made (always, always check those drawings, even at this stage the wrong plan was again sent to me!)

On checking the drawings prior to our Town Hall presentation I realise that we still have not had the amended plans of tyhe house proper.. more emails!

Presentation on Friday (3 days time). Starting to get excited about this whole project. It's taken over 2 years to get to this pòint and my enthusiasm was, how shall we say, not dulled but on hold.
